Team Member Spotlight: Kevin Saffer


Kevin leads USDP tech, excels in client service, and has created numerous digital tools. With 25+ years in tech, he enjoys hiking and learning.

Posted: Jan 4, 2021
Last Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Kevin oversees all of US Digital Partnersā€™ technology, including software development and infrastructure. Heā€™s got a gift for explaining tech to the non-tech, quietly crushing it on customer service, and staying focused on technical excellence. Heā€™s often cited as the reason clients stick with USDP year after year. Up for new ventures, Kevin has created more digital marketing tools than anyone we know. Kevin has 25+ years of experience in development, content management systems, mobile and app development, and web and application infrastructure and security. Prior to joining USDP in 2005, Kevin was the Director of Software Engineering and Internet Solutions for CoActiveā€™s Digital Intelligence Group, creating marketing tools for Nintendo, AOL, Captain Morgan, Valvoline, Kikkoman, and many others. Kevin enjoys high altitude and rugged terrain, hiking, his wife, his dogs, and hoarding knowledge. (Though heā€™s glad to share it.)

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