
Justin Doyle Homes


    Construction / Real Estate




    16 weeks


    Messaging, Branding, Website, Digital Advertising, SEO

  • Visit Live Website

When building distinctive, custom homes, Justin Doyle leads the pack in the Cincinnati residential real estate market. Their award-winning designs and stunning craftsmanship set them apart. The problem was that their website didn’t highlight these elements or help people envision their dream home. They came to USDP for a total redesign. By positioning clients as the hero who doesn’t have to compromise to create their ideal home, and spotlighting stunning imagery, the Justin Doyle Homes website now guides visitors through the process. The result is more great leads for Justin Doyle Homes.

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Over the years, US Digital Partners has pretty much done any project you could ask for us. They created a brand new, beautiful website for us. They do all of our paid digital ads. So Facebook, Google, anything in that realm, they manage it. They track it, they optimize it, and they report back to us. And we’ve seen an increase in Facebook users. We also see an increase in likes and clicks on all of our ads consistently month over month.

-– Megan, Director of Marketing


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